Fine Arts Courses
ART 2300
Art Appreciation
A survey of art designed to help students understand and appreciate the significant achievements in painting, sculpture and architecture. Spring
MDC 1161
Diction for Singers
A thorough study of pronunciation skills in English and Italian encountered in the study repertory of vocal music. A phonetic approach including its application in the singing situation. Required of freshmen voice majors. Class instruction. Fall
MDC 1162
Diction for Singers
A thorough study of pronunciation skills in German and French encountered in the study repertory of vocal music. The phonetic approach is continued with application in the singing situation. Required of freshmen voice majors. Class instruction. Prerequisite: MDC 1161 with a “C” or higher. Spring
MHB 1171, 3175
Beginning through advanced techniques of handbell ringing. Performances on campus and limited off-campus. Open to all students. Fall, Spring
MIC 1241
Guitar Class
An introduction to guitar emphasizing basic chords and strumming techniques that can be utilized in worship. Guitar must be provided by student. Spring
MPC 1251
Piano Class I
Designed for music and worship arts majors. Includes major and minor scales, triads and inversions, chord progressions, easy hymn arrangements and original classical pieces. The student must take the piano skills assessment test given by the instructor before registering for this course. Private piano lessons may be required if the student does not pass the test. Fall
MPC 1252
Piano Class II
A continuation of MPC 1251 Piano Class I. At the conclusion of the course, all music and worship arts majors and worship arts minors must pass the MUP 2050 Piano Proficiency. Spring
MUC 1101, 3105
College Choir
A group of mixed voices chosen from the best talent on campus. Limited membership, but open to all students subject to the approval of the director on the basis of vocal qualification and balance of parts in the organization. Presentation of outstanding music works and concerts of religious music at regular intervals. Fall, Spring
MUC 1111, 3115
A select ensemble of mixed voices with repertoire including classical and contemporary music. Acceptance in this group is by audition only. This group travels extensively during the fall and spring around Arkansas and surrounding states to schools and churches for recruiting purposes.
Fall, Spring
MUC 1121, 3125
Madrigal/Music Production
The students will learn musical selections from the Renaissance to the present. Musical styles, interpretation of styles, and musical technique will be taught. Students will be assessed by the process and progress of rehearsals and the final performance of their selected character or vocal position. Fall, Spring
MUG 1141, 3145
Guitar Ensemble
A select ensemble which performs guitar solos and multiple guitar music. Fall, Spring
MUI 1141, 1241, 3145, 3245
Applied Music – Guitar
MUI 4000
Senior Guitar Recital
MUP 1151, 1251, 3155, 3255
Applied Music – Piano
MUP 2050
Piano Proficiency
MUP 4000
Senior Piano Recital
MUS 0300
Introduction to Music Theory
A review of basic music fundamentals, including notation (rhythm and pitch), keys, scales, intervals, meter, melody and harmony. Some sight singing, ear training, and keyboard assignments included. Open to all students, especially music majors and minors who have insufficient background to enter Theory I (Not applicable to theory requirement). Spring
MUS 1202
Ear Training I
Rhythmic reading, sight singing, ear training, and dictation. Lab required. Fall
MUS 1204
Ear Training II
Continued sight singing, ear training, and dictation. Lab required. Prerequisites: MUS 1301 and MUS 1202 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
MUS 1301
Theory I
Review of fundamentals and the study of root-position diatonic triads and first and second inversions. Entrance test required. Fall
MUS 1303
Theory II
Continuation of MUS 1301 Theory I. Part-writing procedures, non-harmonic tones, seventh chords, cadences, and chorale harmonizations. Prerequisites: MUS 1301 and MUS 1202 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
MUS 1310
Introduction to Music Literature
Music and composers from ancient times through the twentieth century analyzed through recordings. Designed for music majors and minors. Spring
MUS 2300
Music Appreciation
Music, its origin and development. Illustration through recorded instrumental and vocal music. Relationship of music to other arts, literature, and the social sciences. For non-music majors only.
Fall, Spring
MUS 2503
Theory III Harmony/Ear Training
Previous theory material reviewed. Harmonic sequence, secondary dominant chords and elementary modulations. Diatonic seventh chords, borrowed chords, Neapolitan sixth chords, augmented triads and augmented sixth chords. Correlated ear training. Prerequisites: MUS 1303, MUS 1204 with a grade of C or higher. Fall
MUS 2504
Theory IV
Ninth, eleventh, and thirteenth chords. Unclassified chord structures and complex harmonic progressions. Analyses of larger musical structures including binary, ternary, minuet and trio, rondo, and sonata forms. Prerequisite: MUS 2503. Spring
MUS 3200
Introduction to Music Ministry
An overview of the philosophies, organization, administration, and supervision of a church music program. Students are guided in developing their own philosophy of church music. Topics include: the role of the music minister, the graded choir program (children’s, youth and adult choirs), rehearsal techniques, musical styles, worship planning, time management, the music library, church music facilities, budgets, and staff relationships. Spring
MUS 3201
History of Church Music & Worship
A study of music in worship from biblical times to the present. Comprehensive in scope, the course covers the historical development of both liturgical and free forms of Christian worship. Fall
MUS 3203
Vocal Solo Literature for Worship
A survey of sacred English art songs from the Baroque period to the present. Songs, with some degree of artistic quality, written specifically for church use in traditional or contemporary styles, may also be included. Songs will be examined for their textual and musical merit, and usefulness in worship. Spring
MUS 3204
Choral Literature for Worship
A survey of choral music from the Renaissance to the present. Although cantatas, oratorios, and masses by major composers will be included, high-quality church anthems (especially English Cathedral anthems), which have stood the test of time, will be the primary focus of the course. Anthems will be examined for their textual and musical merit, and usefulness in worship. Spring
MUS 3205
Contemporary Worship Music & Leadership
A survey of the songs of the praise and worship movement of the last three or four decades. Choruses will be critically examined according to their scriptural and theological content as well as their musical integrity. Provides opportunities for students to lead worship in a classroom setting without the use of sound amplification. Spring
MUS 3210
A course studying the techniques of conducting in which basic conducting technique is acquired and applied in both instrumental and choral ensembles. Spring
MUS 3301
Music History I
Development of music and its relationship to the political, sociological and economic conditions of the times from antiquity to 1750. Fall
MUS 3311
An historical survey of Christian hymnody from the early church through the 20th century. Hymns will be analyzed according to the literary, theological, and musical characteristics. The practical use of hymns in the life of the church will be emphasized. Fall
MUS 4101
Worship Arts Seminar
Readings and discussions on special topics related to current issues in the field of worship arts. May include guest lecturers from local churches and possible attendance at a local or regional worship arts or church music conference. Fall
MUS 4140
Guitar Pedagogy
A survey of pedagogical methods and techniques for the beginning student. Emphasis on knowledge of the instrument, its literature, and pedagogy. Spring
MUS 4150
Piano Pedagogy
A survey of pedagogical methods and techniques for the beginning student. Emphasis will be placed on teaching techniques, materials, practice teaching, observation, and group techniques.
MUS 4160
Vocal Pedagogy
Physiological and psychological aspects of voice teaching techniques considered from a historical, evolutionary, and comparative point of view. Diagnostic and corrective procedures taught. Spring
MUS 4200
Writing Songs for Worship
A composition course designed to help the student write songs that are appropriate for congregational worship. Projects using the musical notation software Finale may include hymns, psalm settings, and contemporary worship songs in various styles.
Prerequisite: MUS 2503. Spring
MUS 4201
Dramatic Arts in Worship
An introductory course in dramatizing biblical texts and theological truths. Covers basic acting techniques, casting, staging, and resources for church drama ministries. Spring
MUS 4300
Fine Arts Seminar
A writing intensive seminar designed to introduce students to musical performance and art mediums. Class members will attend various events as individuals and as a class. Students will be responsible for purchasing tickets for all required performances and galleries. Fall
MUS 4301
Technology in Worship
An introduction to the musical notation software Finale, lighting, projection, sound systems, and recording techniques for use in worship services. Fall
MUS 4302
Music History II
The history of music from 1750 to the twentieth century. Spring
MUS 4330
Worship Arts Internship
Students gain practical leadership experience in the field of church music under the guidance of a music ministry professional employed at a Central Baptist College approved church. Possible service opportunities include directing a choir (children’s, youth, or adult) or orchestra, planning and leading worship, rehearsing a worship team, or working with soloists and/or other ensembles. Students write weekly reports, which are critically analyzed and discussed. Students receive evaluations from their field supervisor and their faculty supervisor. Spring
MUV 1161, 1261, 3165, 3265
Applied Music – Voice
MUV 2050
Voice Proficiency
This proficiency is for all non-vocal worship arts majors with a prerequisite of Voice Class I & II. This proficiency will be tested by a faculty jury at the end of Voice Class II. Spring
MUV 4000
Senior Voice Recital
MVC 1261
Voice Class I
A voice class for beginning voice students. Application of vocal principles to develop singing ability. Group application of proper breathing, phrasing, and general attributes of correct vocal production.
MVC 1262
Voice Class II
A continuation of MVC 1261Voice Class I. At the conclusion of the course, all non-vocal (piano and guitar) worship arts majors must pass the MUV 2050 Voice Proficiency.
Prerequisite: MVC 1261. Spring
MWB 1101, 3105
Worship Band
A faculty-supervised course where students participate in contemporary worship in the institution’s on-campus chapel band (may include acoustic and amplified instruments) comprised of singers and instrumentalists. Fall, Spring
THR 2300
Theatre Appreciation
This course provides a study of the art, craft, and business of theatre. Emphasis in placed on the audience’s appreciation of the work of the playwright, director, designer, producer and critic. Upon completion, the student should be able to demonstrate a vocabulary of theatre terms and to recognize the contributions of various theatre artists. This is a non-performance based course.