Central Baptist College 2019 Homecoming Court Announced
February 4, 2019

Central Baptist College Director of Student Services Kerry Norris has announced the court for Homecoming 2019. The seven women selected for homecoming court are Mackenzie Crocker, Katherine Fitts, Emily Law, Shelby Perez, Kaylyn Shankle, Kaylee St. John, and Madilyn Townsend. These seven were selected by their peers to represent CBC for the 2019 festivities. Mackenzie Crocker is a senior, marketing major from Greenbrier, Ark. Katherine Fitts is a senior, missions major from Searcy, Ark. Emily Law is a senior, worship arts major from Pine Bluff, Ark. Shelby Perez is a senior, psychology and counseling major from Pine Bluff, Ark. Kaylyn Shankle is a senior, English major from Newark, Ill. Kaylee St. John is a senior, marketing major from Greenbrier, Ark. Madilyn Townsend is a senior, elementary education major from Conway, Ark. The queen will be announced in between the womens and mens basketball games against Williams Baptist on February 9. For a full schedule of homecoming activities visit www.cbc.edu/homecoming or contact Jessica Faulkner, Director of Alumni Engagement, at jfaulkner@cbc.edu or 501.205.8800. (Photo clockwise from top left: Mackenzie Crocker, Katherine Fitts, Shelby Perez, Madilyn Townsend, Kaylee St. John, Kaylyn Shankle, and Emily Law)