2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.
Kimbrow Receives Dan Nabholz Leadership Award. Steele graduates from Faulkner County Leadership Institute.
December 6, 2016

The Faulkner County Leadership Institute (FCLI) recently held its annual banquet at the Centennial Valley Events Center on November 14. The banquet served as the organization's annual awards ceremony and graduation for the 2016 class. During the event, CBC President Terry Kimbrow received the Dan Nabholz Leadership Award. Named for the founder of FCLI, the award is given to an FCLI graduate who exemplifies leadership in the community and is an outstanding alumna of the program.
President Kimbrow is a 1996 graduate of FCLI and has been active in the Conway community. President Kimbrow has served as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce, President of the Rotary Club of Conway, and is currently a member of the Arkansas Institutional Certification Committee (ICAC) for the Arkansas Department of Higher Education. Rachel Steele, CBC's Associate Vice President for Student Services, was selected as a member of the 2016 class and officially graduated at the event.
Classes participate in monthly sessions to educate members on such topics as human services, government, education, agriculture, economic development, and media. The mission of the Faulkner County Leadership Institute is to build a competent leadership pool for present and future community needs by identifying current and potential leaders; acquainting them with community needs, problems, and opportunities; and challenging them with community involvement and decision-making.
Take a Personal Tour of Central Baptist College Our goal for your Personal Campus Tour is to arrange a campus visit that is designed especially for YOU! High School students, please make plans to visit campus by scheduling a Personal Campus Visit Day. For more information, visit www.cbc.edu/Visit or call the Admissions Office at 501.329.6873.
PACE Registration is going on NOW The PACE (Professional Adult College Education) Block 1 new student document deadline is this Friday Dec. 2nd. And, there are still 3 other opportunities to register for the Spring 2017 semester. Access www.cbc.edu/PACE for program and admissions details, e-mail admissions@cbc.edu, or call (501) 329-6873 for more information.
Winter Sports Underway Winter sports for the CBC Mustangs are underway! Men's & Women's Basketball & Men's Wrestling seasons are in progress. Access www.cbcmustangs.com for schedules, roster, and the latest team updates. Make plans to come support the Mustangs!