Mustangs in the Making Children Visit the Little Rock Zoo
April 11, 2016

On Saturday, April 9th, a group of 30 legacy children, along with their parents, spent a day at the Little Rock Zoo. Since the Mustangs in the Making Legacy Program launched in January 2015, we've seen nearly 200 future mustangs enrolled! We were thrilled to offer this benefit to our local legacy children, and enjoyed the day exploring all the zoo had to offer! We had a wonderful day at the zoo with our Future Mustangs! We enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a great time visiting with alumni and their children. We hope that this trip becomes an annual event in our Legacy Program. If you have a child or grandchild who would be interested in receiving a birthday card, and gifts on milestone birthdays, please sign them up at cbc.edu/mustangsinthemaking or contact Meagan Lowry atmlowry@cbc.edu or 501.205.8870.