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CBC Salvation Stories

CBC’s yearbook, the Carillon, included 150 salvation testimonies from students and faculty in its 2018 volume. These personal stories regarding the life-transforming factor of Jesus Christ correlated with the yearbook’s theme, Centralize, and the theme verse, Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (ESV)

The testimonies below were published in the 2018 Carillon. – Melody Siebenmann, Carillon co-editor

Jeff Riddle, Physical Education Dept. Chair

“I came to know Christ when I was ten years old. It was during a powerful service we had at our church. The Lord had been working on my heart for a long time. I thought I was saved earlier than that. I knew I was under conviction, but I had never fully given my heart to Christ. But I’ve never looked back from then or doubted it since that time.”

Gary McAllister, VP of Academic Affairs

“Over 40 years ago, I knelt beside a commode in a motel room in Hobbs, New Mexico. As I knelt in the presence of a holy and righteous God, I felt embarrassed by my sin and seriously contemplated the judgment for my depravity. I eagerly sought His forgiveness and asked Him to be the Lord of my life. I naively expected nothing but blessings to follow because of my decision to follow Christ, and I have been the beneficiary of His marvelous grace and bountiful blessings, but I have also suffered great heartache and experienced numerous trials in my life. I have been through the fire – yet I can testify that I have found comfort and joy in the midst of sorrow, felt peace during a raging storm, and sensed His calm assurance in the darkest night. I have found Him faithful, and I know he is able. Praise be to the Lord!”

Jessica Manary, Current Student

“Growing up a preacher’s kid and going to church whenever the doors were open made me believe I was a Christian, or so I thought. One night my mom explained to me that Christianity is much more than going through the motions of worshiping Jesus and going back to everyday life once church finished. Christianity is about a relationship with Jesus and wanting to serve and honor Him with your life. Once I realized that, my life changed forever.”

Our Mission

Central Baptist College desires to support our student’s decisions to follow Jesus through a supportive but challenging higher education environment. Our faculty, staff and administration have all committed to follow Jesus and desire to nurture our students as they follow Jesus.

As followers of Jesus we are all called to lead others to him. Some in full-time ministry and others in a different career path. But all of us are called as members of the body of Christ. Committed to the mission of sharing the Gospel. Our vision is that our students are challenged, engaged, and inspired academically and spiritually. Ultimately, leading to heart transformation. So that, they will choose to be world changers for our Almighty God by the time they graduate from Central Baptist College.

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