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CBC Salvation Stories

CBC Salvation Stories

CBC’s yearbook, the Carillon, included 150 salvation testimonies from students and faculty in its 2018 volume. These personal stories regarding the life-transforming factor of Jesus Christ correlated with the yearbook’s theme, Centralize, and the theme verse, Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (ESV) The testimonies below were published in the 2018 Carillon. – Melody Siebenmann, Carillon co-editor

Senior Cecilia Putter

“I grew up in a Christian home and I have been Christian most of my life. But I think the thing that made me closer to God was when [my family] had to move to America. We had to completely trust in His ability to get us over here to America. I that that just makes [faith] more important. It made our relationship with God better.”

Library Director Rachel Whittingham

“Having been raised in a Christian home, I came to know Christ at an early age. Growing up with many positive influences is only effective when you learn to use it correctly. I still had to learn how to create and maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Alum Jacob Bentley

“I had two false conversions at seven and ten. In addition to that, I got baptized at the age of seven. I really understood God’s grace at the age of twelve and didn’t get baptized until I was nineteen through God’s conviction because I was afraid of water. I follow him rather than myself.”

Central Baptist College desires to support our student’s decisions to follow Jesus through a supportive but challenging higher education environment. Our faculty, staff and administration have all committed to follow Jesus and desire to nurture our students in this way. As followers of Jesus we are all called to lead others to him. Some in full-time ministry and others in a different career path but all as members of the body of Christ committed to the mission of sharing the Gospel. Our hope is that our student’s hearts are transformed during their time on campus and that they would choose to serve our Almighty God in the profession of their choice once they graduate from Central Baptist College.



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