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Bible Courses

BIB 1300
Survey of the Old Testament

General introductions to the Bible, its supernatural origin and its literary structure and composition. A survey of the major periods of Old Testament history from the creation to the Post-Exilic Era, with stress on the divine mission of the Messianic race. Fall.

BIB 1301
Survey of the New Testament

A continuation of Bible 1300. Brief review of the Inter-Biblical Period and a survey of Christianity during the first century. Special emphasis on the divine origin of the church, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the authority of the New Testament in the work of the churches. Spring

BIB 2300
Life of Christ

A study in the life of Christ as revealed in the four Gospels: His person and character, His travels, His teaching and the miracles, and His methods of dealing with people. Fall.

BIB 2301
The Life of Paul

Paul’s background, conversion and call to service, missionary activity, and letters. Spring

BIB 2308
Interpreting the Bible

Survey and evaluation of the various methods of interpreting the Scriptures. Required of all ministerial students. Spring Odd

BIB 3300
The Pentateuch

The first five books of the Bible. The creation, fall and redemption of man, the relation of Jesus and the church to the law. Fall Odd

BIB 3301
The Historical and Poetical Books of the Old Testament

Joshua to Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. Fall Even

BIB 3303
Pastoral Epistles

I Timothy, II Timothy, and Titus, their background, authorship, relationship to the body of Pauline literature and the New Testament. Fall Even

BIB 3304
Hebrews and the General Epistles

Hebrews to Jude. Spring Even

BIB 4300
Biblical Archaeology

The principal archaeological discoveries of the ancient Near Eastern world, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and their bearing upon the study of the Bible. Spring Even

BIB 4301
Minor Prophets

Hosea to Malachi. Spring Even

BIB 4302
Major Prophets

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. Fall Even

BIB 4340

An in-depth analysis of the prophecy of Isaiah. Special attention to the historical set­ting, the prophecies of the immediate and extended future of the covenant people; the Christological content of the Messianic prophecies; and the ethical content of the book. Spring Odd

BIB 4350
Synoptic Gospels

An intensive study of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, including background, contemporary views and themes. Fall Odd

BIB 4355

A study of Paul, the city of Rome, and the letter to the Romans. Fall Even

BIB 4356
I Corinthians

An intensive study of this Pauline letter, including background, themes and theology. Spring Odd

BIB 4360

An intensive study of Revelation. Detailed analysis of the entire book, prophetic appli­cation of the various symbols employed in its imagery, and its practical lessons. Fall Odd

GRK 1300
New Testament Greek Grammar I

A beginner’s course designed to familiarize the student with the basic elements of the language; stressing vocabulary, conjunction, declension, composition, and translation. Fall 

GRK 1301
New Testament Greek Grammar II

A continuation of GRK 1300. Prerequisite: GRK 1300 with a grade of C or higher. Spring

GRK 2310
Greek Exegesis I

A second-year Greek course designed to provide wide exposure to many New Testament texts and to introduce students to intermediate Greek grammar, building upon basic grammar and moving toward exegesis and application. Prerequisite: GRK 1301 with a grade of C or higher. Fall

GRK 2311
Greek Exegesis II

A continuation of GRK 2310. Prerequisite: GRK 2310. Spring

MIS 1301
Biblical Foundation of Missions

A study of the theological foundations of missions. It emphasizes both the Old and New Testaments, including Israel and the nations, the teachings of Christ, and Pauline Missiology. It looks at contemporary issues such as inclusivism, pluralism, and syncretism. Special attention is given to emerging theologies in cross-cultural settings. Fall Odd

MIS 2300
History of Missions

A historical study of the advance of Christianity throughout the world. Emphasis is given to the methodologies employed by mission practitioners throughout the ages in order to evaluate the effectiveness of specific strategies and approaches to world evangelism. This study aids the student in recognizing the basic principles of intercultural ministry and in formulating a personal strategy of missions. Fall Odd

MIS 2301
Foreign Missions Practicum I

The study of foreign missions with applied practical field experience. On Demand.

MIS 2302
Foreign Missions Practicum II

Continued study of foreign missions with applied practical field experience. Prerequisite: MIS 2301. On Demand.

MIS 2304
Cultural Anthropology/Traditional Religions

This is a survey of basic cultural concepts and social organizations that affect missionary communication of the Gospel in a culturally diverse world. The Traditional Religions emphasis of the course deals with effective evangelism in an environment where traditional religious manifestations (animism, mana, magic, tabu, veneration of ancestors, nature worship, and the concept of High God) underlie the more developed religions such as Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Fall Even

MIS 2310
World Religions

A general survey of the major non-Christian religions of the world. This course provides an introduction to the basic characteristics of the living religions of today-Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. Spring Odd

MIS 3301
Intercultural Communication

A survey of intercultural communication through relationships, societal roles, and everyday life. Special emphasis is given to communicating the Gospel through an incarnational model of ministry. Fall Even

MIS 3302
Intercultural Church Planting and Church Growth

A study of how to plant and develop indigenous churches. Emphasis is given to the Church Growth Movement and how it applies to modern missions. Spring Odd

MIS 4301

A survey of the basic scriptural principles for personal and mass evangelism, Ways and means of soul-winning, the nature of sin, the meaning and necessity of divine grace, the act and meaning of personal commitment to Christ, and present trends in evangelism. Spring Even

MIS 4303
Issues in Missiology. This course examines trends and issues in contemporary missions. Special emphasis is given to preparing the missionary to think critically in a rapidly changing world. Spring Even

MIS 4304
Intercultural Leadership Development

This course examines the need of leadership development among missionaries and how to develop indigenous leaders for national churches. The course gives specific attention to theological training options on the field, strategic planning, and the 12 indispensable leadership skills. Spring Odd

MIS 4305
Basic Church Growth

Basic principles of church growth including multiplication and planting, leadership of the Holy Spirit, causes of stagnation, introversion, expansion, leadership training and indigenous principles. Fall Odd

MIS 4306
Missionary Life and Ministry

This course looks to build a platform of resources and contacts in the world of missiology. Special attention is given to integration into missionary life, denominational mission’s history and procedures, and first-hand learning from those involved on the mission field. Fall Odd

MIS 4309
Modern Cults

History, philosophy, and methods of modern cults with an emphasis on witnessing. Fall Even

MIS 4310
Missiological Research and Methodologies

This course is a survey of field research theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on ethnography and field survey studies. The student will make a research proposal for a specific field and then do the research in conjunction with his or her internship. Spring Even

MIS 4330
Missions Internship

Extensive research of relevant literature, appropriate reports and “on-the-job” experi­ence to strengthen the findings of readings, research, and prior instruction in the field of missions. Spring, Summer 

PHI 1300
Introduction to Philosophy

An introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective through ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary sources, examining fundamental questions of philosophy such as the foundations of morality, knowledge, truth, reality, and the existence of God. Students are introduced to major areas of philosophy, including ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, and philosophy of religion. Spring Even

PHI 2308

Fundamental ethical theories and major figures in the history of ethics are studied; basic concepts of moral and social issues are discussed, and decision-making is explored. Fall Even

PHI 2310
World Religions

A general survey of the major non-Christian religions of the world. This course provides an introduction to the basic characteristics of the living religions of today-Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. Spring Odd

PST 1300
Introduction to Pastoral Ministry

An overview of the character, qualifications and call of the pastor. Prospective pastors are familiarized with the primary requirements of the pastoral office by emphasizing the enduring principles of effective Christian ministry. Spring Even

PST 2300
Sermon Preparation and Delivery

Preaching as an art, the selection of a text, the theme, the collection of material, and the outlining of a sermon. Fall Even

PST 3300
Pastoral Leadership I

The methodology of the pastoral ministry including practical pastoral roles and disci­plines. Prerequisite: PST 1300. Fall Even

PST 3301
Pastoral Leadership II

This course will be taught in four modules: Church leadership principles; Church administration, including staff relations; Family leadership; and Church and personal financial administration. Prerequisite: PST 3300. Spring Odd

PST 3340
Basic Counseling Skills

An introduction to the essential skills needed for effective counseling. Students will spend a significant amount of time practicing basic counseling skills through role playing and real-life interactions with critical review by both peers and the instructor. Students may also review video counseling vignettes and written case studies. Fall, Spring

PST 4301
Expository Preaching

A study of the expository methods of preaching. The nature of expository preaching, types of expository sermons, methods of interpreting Biblical passages, and the formu­lation of expository sermons. Prerequisite: PST 2300. Spring Odd

PST 4305
Basic Church Growth

Basic principles of church growth including multiplication and planting, leadership of the Holy Spirit, causes of stagnation, introversion, expansion, leadership training, and indigenous principles. Fall Odd

PST 4309
Modern Cults

History, philosophy, and methods of modern cults with an emphasis on witnessing. Fall Even

PST 4330
Pastoral Ministry Internship

Extensive research of relevant literature, appropriate reports and “on-the-job” field experience to strengthen the findings of readings, research, and prior instruction in the field of pastoral studies. Spring, Summer 

PST 4360
Church Leadership

This course will be taught in four modules: church leadership principles; church administration, including staff and human resource relations; family leadership; and church and personal financial administration. (PACE) 

RED 1300
History and Philosophy of Religious Education

A survey of the history of religious education from Old Testament times to the present and a study of theories of Christian education with emphasis on developing a biblical philosophy of education. Spring Odd

RED 2300
Principles and Practices of Teaching

This course provides practical instruction for the teaching ministry of the church. Topics include introduction to Bible teaching, use of methods and techniques, prepara­tion and presentation of lessons, and disciplining students. Fall Odd

RED 2301
Youth Ministry I

The biblical basis for youth ministry, history of the modern youth ministry movement, resources for youth ministry, goals of youth ministry, the youth minister’s own spiritu­al walk and integrity, development and administration of programs that meet the needs of youth from infancy through high school years. Fall Even

RED 3300
The Educational Program of the Church

This course instructs how to set up a Christian educational program in the local church-organization and administration. It teaches how to discover, recruit, and train teachers. Curriculum design is presented, support services are explored, and methods of publici­ty are considered. Spring Odd

RED 3301
Teaching the Bible to Children

This course provides practical instruction and training for teaching the Bible to chil­dren. Emphasis is placed on materials, methods, teaching techniques and problems as well as motivation, classroom management and evaluation. Fall Even

RED 3302
Teaching the Bible to Youth

This course provides practical instruction and training for teaching the Bible to junior high and senior high youth. Particular attention is given to materials, methods and teaching techniques designed to meet the special needs of young people in practical Christian living. Spring Even

RED 4304
Seminar in Religious Education

Research and analysis of selected literature in religious education with emphasis accord­ing to individual interest and need of the student. On Demand

RED 4330
Religious Education Internship

Extensive research of relevant literature, appropriate reports and “on-the-job” experi­ence to strengthen the findings of readings, research, and prior instruction in the field of religious education. Spring, Summer

THE 2300
Christian Doctrine

A study of the major and fundamental doctrines of the Bible. Spring Even

THE 3311
Theology I

A study of three major doctrines in the area of systematic theology: Theology, the doc­trine of God; Christology, the doctrine of Christ; Pneumatology, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. PACE

THE 3312
Theology II

A study of four major doctrines in the area of systematic theology: Angelology, the doc­trine of angels; Harmartiology, the doctrine of sin; Anthropology, the doctrine of man; Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation. PACE

THE 3314

A study of the defense of Christianity against criticism and distortion and a presenta­tion of the evidences of its intellectual credibility. It considers what Christians believe in the face of heretical tendencies and offers an explication of its basis in rationality. Christianity will be studied in the light of the various world views and philosophies and within a biblical framework. Fall Odd

THE 3315 

Systematic Theology I 

The course surveys Bible doctrines of theology, the doctrine of God; Christology, the doctrine of Christ; Pneumatology, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit; Angelology, the doctrine of angels; and Bibliology, the doctrine of the Bible. Fall Odd

THE 3316

Systematic Theology II 

The course surveys the Bible doctrine of Hamartiology, the doctrine of sin; Anthropology, the doctrine of man, Soteriology, the doctrine of salvation; Ecclesiology, the doctrine of the church, and Eschatology, the doctrine of the last thing. Spring Even

THE 4341 

Old Testament Theology This course will introduce the students to Biblical theology with a study of the major themes developed in the Old Testament, including God, mankind, the nature of revelation, sin, salvation, prophecy, God’s eternal purpose, worship, ethics, and morality. Fall Even

THE 4342

New Testament Theology 

This course will introduce the student to New Testament Biblical theology with a study of the major themes of God, mankind, the nature of revelation, sin, salvation, Christology, pneumatology, prophecy, God’s eternal purpose, worship, ecclesiology, discipleship, ethics, and morality. Spring Odd

YTM 2301
Youth Ministry I

The biblical basis for youth ministry, history of the modern youth ministry movement, resources for youth ministry, goals of youth ministry, the youth minister’s own spiritu­al walk and integrity, development and administration of programs that meet the needs of youth from infancy through high school years. Fall Even

YTM 2302
Youth Ministry II

A study of practical aspects of youth ministry. Attention is given to evangelism, disciplining youth, Bible studies, discipline, youth trips, fund-raising, problems faced by youth, penetrating the culture of teenagers, and critical concerns in youth ministry. Prerequisite: YTM 2301. Spring Odd

YTM 3300
The Educational Program of the Church

This course instructs how to set up a Christian educational program in the local church-organization and administration. It teaches how to discover, recruit, and train teachers. Curriculum design is presented, support services are explored and methods of publici­ty are considered. Spring Odd

YTM 3301
Teaching the Bible to Children

This course provides practical instruction and training for teaching the Bible to chil­dren. Emphasis is placed on materials, methods, teaching techniques and problems as well as motivation, classroom management and evaluation. Fall Even

YTM 3302
Teaching the Bible to Youth

This course provides practical instruction and training for teaching the Bible to junior high and senior high youth. Particular attention is given to materials, methods and teaching techniques designed to meet the special needs of young people in practical Christian living. Spring Even

YTM 4330
Youth Ministry Internship

Extensive research of relevant literature, appropriate reports and “on-the-job” experi­ence to strengthen the findings of readings, research, and prior instruction in the field of youth ministry. Spring, Summer

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