2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.

Welcome Home Mustang
As an Alumnus of Central Baptist College, we believe that your relationship with CBC is a lifelong experience. From the moment you arrived on campus as a new student, you helped mold CBC into the institution it is today. You are the bridge that connects CBC’s past to its future and are vital to our continued success.
We strive to maintain good communication, provide and coordinate creative alumni events, and keep you informed of opportunities to invest in your alma mater. Update your address change, career move, marriage, or birth announcements. You are important to the college and your peers, and we want to hear from you.
As a private college, CBC depends heavily on support from alumni and friends. Your gift to CBC, no matter the amount, is an investment in the Kingdom of God. Each and every gift adds to the provision of security for future generations of CBC students to get a quality, Christ-focused education. Your support will enable our graduates to enter the world as ministers, teachers, missionaries, and other leaders. Their spiritual harvest will come as a direct result of your generous support.
Get connected to CBC again, receive discounts & even scholarships for your kids join the Alumni Association.
Alumni Association Advisory Board
Your Alumni Advisory Board is governed by a board of directors that works hard to develop the relationship between CBC and its Alumni.
The Advisory Board's goal is to bridge the gap between CBC and her alumni and alumni and current students. As an association, we fund the Kenneth Brown Scholarship through membership dues and build and establish relationships with current students with events throughout the year.
Current Board Members
Mallory Guyton-Alumni & Digital Communications Coordinator
Bailey Brewer
Drew Brewer
Meagan Cofer
Preston Jones
Austin Lewis
Jeff Riddle
Kelsey Sandefur
Maria Speer
Darrell Spigner
Show Your Mustang Pride
Order an alumni T-shirt today!
Still Have Questions?
Contact Us

Mallory Guyton
Alumni & Digital Communications Coordinator

(501) 205 - 8875