
Giving Methods
Making a gift to Central Baptist College may be accomplished with many types of assets, including cash, securities (either publicly traded or closely held), marketable real estate, or personal property. Current gifts may be made to CBC while a donor is living. Deferred gifts are made from a bequest through a donor’s will at death or after a specified period of time elapses.
A Cash gift is the simplest asset to give. Cash gifts qualify for federal income tax purposes and are fully deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in any one year. Deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward up to five additional years. + Give Now
Contributions of mineral interests, coin collections, antiques, royalties, works of art, jewelry, etc. can be given to the College. The gift value for tax purposes will vary with each gift and needs to be determined in advance before making this gift.
Memorial Giving
A memorial gift to the ministry of Central Baptist College can mean so much to family and friends left behind. It is a unique way to show how much you care.
These gifts are special because they not only touch the lives of each of our students but also touch all those with whom our students come into contact. You may also choose to honor a living friend or relative on a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary or graduation.
We have made this process easy through a program entitled Caring Enough To Remember, a Memorial and Honor Gifts program at Central Baptist College. Cards are available in many of our churches or by calling the Advancement Office at (501) 205-8799. Or, simply note the names on your check when making your gift.
Whether you select a memorial or honor gift, an acknowledgement card will be sent to the family member(s) you designate. Your name will also be listed in the college’s quarterly newsletter and President’s Annual Report. The amount of your contribution will remain confidential.
On behalf of the students who will benefit from your generosity, thank you for … Caring Enough to Remember. Give Now
Planned Giving
Charitable Gift Annuities
With this option, the individual transfers assets to Central Baptist College. In exchange, CBC agrees to pay a specified annuity amount for the individual’s life. The individual’s charitable gift is calculated by taking the value of the transferred property, less the value of the annuity. Unlike the Charitable Remainder Trust, some capital gain may be recognized upon the transfer of appreciated property, but the gain may be spread over the individual’s lifetime.
Charitable Lead Trust
A Charitable Lead Trust provides qualified charities with income for a term of years, or for the lives of the donors, with a remainder interest passing to non-charitable beneficiaries, such as members of the donors family. A donor transfers assets to a trust and instructs the trustee to pay a designated amount to Central Baptist College for a term of years of for the donor’s lifetime. At the termination of the trust, the assets are returned to the donor or non-charitable beneficiary, such as a family member.
Income tax advantages
Highly appreciated assets are removed from the estate
Gift and estate taxes may be minimized
Charitable Remainder Trust and Charitable Remainder Unitrust
These two trusts are very popular with individuals who hold highly appreciated assets such as real estate or securities producing little or no income. The individual makes a charitable gift but retains for life, or for a fixed period, the right to receive payments from the trust. Two special features are: capital gains are avoided and generally, the trust property is not subject to death taxes.
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies also can be used as charitable gifts. If Central Baptist College is named as the owner and beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, you receive an immediate tax deduction, which usually approximates the cash surrender value as well as the right to change the beneficiary.
Perhaps you are not ready to give up ownership of the policy, but you would like to contribute the proceeds of a life insurance policy to Central Baptist College. By naming Central Baptist College only as beneficiary, you retain ownership of the policy and have access to the cash value as well as the right to change the beneficiary.
This type of contribution allows you to give to Central Baptist College after you die, even if you don’t have the liquid assets right now. While you retain ownership of the policy, there is no charitable deduction for the value of the policy when you designate Central Baptist College as the beneficiary or for subsequent insurance premiums. However, any proceeds payable to Central Baptist College at your death will not be subject to federal estate taxes.
Retirement Plan Assets
Using IRAs and other retirement plan assets is a far-sighted and thoughtful way to make a charitable contribution. It provides a donor a number of significant financial and tax advantages. Unlike many assets, retirement plan assets are potentially subject to both income and estate taxes. Naming Central Baptist College as the beneficiary of a retirement plan – including IRAs, 401(k)s and profit-sharing plans – can eliminate estate and income taxes, if the gift is structured properly.
Will Bequests
A Bequest by a will or trust can save estate taxes and continue the charitable work you care about. Gifts by will are deductible for federal estate tax purposes. Gifts can be designated for use by Central Baptist College for a special purpose, or for the general charitable purposes.
Several options exist:
Residuary Bequest: Donor leaves remaining property after payment of all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests.
Percentage Bequest: Central Baptist College receives a percentage of the residuary estate.
Specific Bequest: A specific dollar amount or item of property is designated.
Contingent Bequest: A bequest is made to Central Baptist College upon a certain condition, such as the death of another beneficiary.
Real Estate
Homes, farms, rental property or other commercial property and real estate can be given to the College. Careful planning should accompany this form of gift. The College cannot assume liabilities that may be attached to the property. Other tax implications also must be considered but the gift of real estate may be a good option. Because of potential, environmental liability, the College may require an EPA Phase I Audit prior to acceptance of title to real property.
Gifts of appreciated securities (mutual funds, stocks and bonds, including stock in closely held companies or restricted stock) often provide important tax advantages to you. Their full fair-market value is deductible as a charitable contribution up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. As with gifts of cash, deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward up to five additional years. You do not have to pay federal or state capital gains taxes on the appreciated portion of the gift.
Donors of closely held stock can enjoy the same benefits as gifts of publicly traded stock. Corporations may contribute pre-IPO stock (before the initial public offering) because their financial needs benefit from the low stock price, while for most individuals, giving after the IPO provides greater tax benefits
To find out how to best utilize any of these giving options to benefit everyone involved, please contact your CPA and/or tax attorney.