Math & Science Courses
AST 1400
An introduction to the night sky, our solar system, and the stars. Lecture and Lab. Fall
BlO 1400
Biology for General Education
A survey of the basic processes and principles of plant and animal life. Designed to acquaint students with their environment and their dependence upon living things. For students not planning to major in biology or those who feel they need an introductory course before taking other courses in the biological field. Required in all curricula unless otherwise specified. Lecture and lab.
Fall, Spring
BlO 1401
General Zoology
An introduction to the animal kingdom, emphasizing taxonomy, morphology and
physiology. Lecture and lab. Fall
BIO 1402
General Botany
Introduction to the plant kingdom including morphology, taxonomy, and physiology.
Lecture and lab. Spring
BlO 1410
Biology for Science Majors
The molecular and cellular basis of the structure and function of organisms, including the role of major biological molecules in cellular structures, metabolism, protein expression, and genetics. Lab includes experimental design and automated data collection and analysis. Includes current trends in cellular biology research, and an introduction to scientific literature and writing. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: high school chemistry or CHM 1300 or above. Fall
BlO 2300
Introduction to Nutrition
Principles and application of nutrition information to everyday living. Fall
BlO 2400
A study of bacteria and viruses including classification, physiology, pathology, and immunology, and food microbiology. Practical lab applications include exercises in prevention of the spread of microbes, and methods of treatment of microbial diseases. Lab includes current topics in microbiology and in-depth scientific writing exercises, including the preparation of a report and presentation over a current microbiology topic. Lecture and lab. Prerequisites: BIO 1410, or BIO 1400 and CHM 1420. Spring
BlO 2402
Human Anatomy and Physiology
An overview of the structure and functioning of the human body. Designed for biology majors, dental hygiene majors, radiology majors, pre-medical and nursing majors, home economics majors, physical education majors, and anyone desiring additional work in science. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: BIO 1400 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
BIO 2410
Human Anatomy and Physiology I
A study of structure-function relationships in skeletal, muscular, nervous and integuÂmentary systems. Lecture and lab. Prerequisites: BlO 1400, or 1401 and 1402; and CHM 1400 or PHY 1400 with a grade of C or higher. Fall
BlO 2411
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
A continuation of BlO 2410 including endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems. Lecture and lab (lab emphasis on physiologic testing). Prerequisite: BlO 2402 or 2410 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
BIO 3150, 3250, 3350, 3450
Special Problems in Science
Laboratory-based research over a topic approved by the faculty supervisor. May include participation in mentored fellowship programs. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor, faculty supervisor and department. On demand
BIO 3410
A course for science majors and/or students entering health care professional programs. Includes principles of heredity, pedigree analysis, molecular basis of inheritance, gene expression and regulation, mutations and DNA repair, genetic diseases, genetic basis of development, recombinant DNA technology, genomics, quantitative and population genetics. Prerequisite: BIO 1410 or BIO 1400 and CHM 1420
CHM 1300
Chemistry Fundamentals
Designed for students with little or no previous chemistry instruction. Provides a basic understanding of chemistry to prepare the student for further study in the field of chemistry. This course does not satisfy the science degree requirements. Lecture only. Fall
CHM 1400
College Chemistry I
Principles of general chemistry including quantitative analysis, atomic structure, nomenclature, chemical bonding, chemical reactions and equations, electron configuration, molecular structure, and acid/base chemistry. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on departmental chemistry placement exam and either CHM 1300 (Grade of C or higher), MTH 1303 (Grade of C or higher), or a Math ACT Subscore of 19. Fall
CHM 1401
College Chemistry II
A continuation of College Chemistry I, including acid/base chemistry, liquids and solids, thermodynamics, gases, equilibria, kinetics, and electrochemistry. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: CHM 1400 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
CHM 1410
Physiological Chemistry I
A study of general chemistry related to physiology. Includes basic quantitative analysis, physical states and properties, atomic structure, periodicity, chemical equations, gases, liquids and solids, acid/base chemistry, electrochemistry and radioactivity. Lecture and lab. Prerequisites: Satisfactory score on departmental chemistry placement exam and either CHM 1300 (Grade of C or higher), MTH 1303 (Grade of C or higher), or a Math ACT Subscore of 19. Fall
CHM 1420
Physiological Chemistry II
A continuation of Physiological Chemistry I with an emphasis on organic molecules and related physiological processes. Introduces structure and reactions of organic molecules, including a survey of the functional groups, major organic biological molecules, and related biochemical processes. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: CHM 1400 or CHM 1410 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
MTH 0300
Intermediate Algebra
Introduction to elementary concepts of sets, relations and numbers. Includes a study of fractions, factoring, roots, linear and quadratic equations, functions and graphs. This course does not count towards degree requirements. Students who have a math subscore of less than 19 on the ACT must take this course before enrolling in MTH 1303. Fall, Spring
MTH 1302
Plane Trigonometry
Reviews the basic ideas of geometry necessary to the development of trigonometry. Examines trigonometric functions, identities, equations, graphs, and the solution of triangles. Prerequisite: MTH 1303 with a grade of C or higher. Rotation – See Department Chair
MTH 1303
College Algebra
The study of functions, but not limited to, absolute value, quadratic, rational, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential; systems of equations; and matrices. Prerequisite: Minimum math sub-score of 21 on the ACT or MTH 0300 with a grade of C or higher. Fall, Spring
MTH 1370
Business Calculus
Exponential functions, mathematics of finance; systems of linear equations, linear inequalities and linear programming; limits, derivatives, and integrals; business calculus applications including marginal analysis, extrema and concavity of functions of one and several variables. Prerequisite: MTH 1303 with a grade of C or higher. Rotation – See Department Chair
MTH 1501
Calculus I
Covers the concepts of functions, limits, analytic geometry, derivatives, and integrals. Prerequisites: MTH 1302 and 1303 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department Chair.
Rotation – See Department Chair
MTH 2311
Elementary Statistics
Topics in mathematical statistics, including frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, interpretation of data, and probability are discussed. Prerequisite: MTH 1303 with a grade of C or higher. Rotation – See Department Chair
MTH 2500
Calculus II
A continuation of MTH 1501 with emphasis on differentiation and integration techÂniques, polar coordinates, conics, transcendential functions, and series. Prerequisite: MTH 1501 with a grade of C or higher or permission of the Department Chair. On Demand
PHY 1400
College Physics I
Non-calculus based introduction to physics required for health science fields. Including physics of mechanics (kinematics, force, work, energy, momentum, circular and rotational motion, fluids) and thermodynamics. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: high school trigonometry and second year algebra or equivalent or MTH 1303 with a C or higher, or MTH 1302 concurrently. Fall
PHY 1401
College Physics II
Continuation of College Physics I including waves, sound, electricity, magnetism, and light. Lecture and lab. Prerequisite: PHY 1400 with a grade of C or higher. Spring
PHY 1404
Physical Science for General Education
Basic principles of physical science including physics, chemistry, astronomy and weather. Includes two writing assignments. Lecture and lab. Spring