
General Education Department
Central Baptist College has as long history of providing our students with a quality education in every academic discipline in which we offer degrees. Every degree program has a prescribed number of courses that provide a solid foundation upon which each academic program is built. Those required offerings are called General Education courses.
Why do we need General Education courses? General Education courses offer a broad spectrum of knowledge in language, literature, math, biological and physical science, history, and social sciences. Students are required to complete the General Education courses before pursuing specific training and knowledge in other areas.
In addition to the General Education courses prescribed for every degree, Central Baptist College also offers three degree programs in which students can major in General Studies. Central Baptist College offers an Associate of Arts in General Education, Bachelor of Science in General Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in General Studies. The primary difference between the two bachelor degree programs is the foreign language requirement for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Why would someone choose to major in General Studies? Many students are not certain which career path they would like to pursue when entering college. The choices are endless and some students fear making the wrong choice by obtaining a specialized degree that could limit employment opportunities. Other students choose the General Studies route to obtain a very broad base in all the academic disciplines. A bachelor’s degree in General Studies is also an excellent choice for students who already have their sights set on a graduate program and want an undergraduate education that provides choices in a variety of academic fields and allows for elective courses as well.
Along with the General Education core courses, students who major in General Studies can choose a variety of both lower and upper division courses from the following academic disciplines:
· English
· Math
· Science
· Fine Arts
· History
· Behavioral Science
· Business
· Health and Physical Education
The Bachelor of Science in General Studies and the Bachelor of Arts in General Studies degree programs also allow for an eighteen-hour minor in a field of the student’s choosing. The minors offered at Central Baptist College require six hours of introductory courses and twelve hours of upper division, junior and senior level courses.
Another component built into the General Studies degree requirements is the student’s choice of an additional fifteen hours of upper division electives. This allows students the opportunity to explore other academic fields of interest. This also provides the students earning the degree the choice to focus on an area that will make them more marketable to potential employers.
One of the most attractive components of either of the General Studies degree programs is the flexibility and opportunities to explore the world of academia. In our twenty first century world of endless possibilities, Central Baptist College is dedicated to providing our students with not only the solid foundation for academic success, but also opening the door of choices with our General Studies options.

Jeff Riddle
Physical & General Education Department Chair / Instructor of Health & Physical Education

(501) 205-8848
A. R. Reddin Fieldhouse