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2018 Student Orientation Staff
August 24, 2018

2018 Student Orientation Staff The Central Baptist College Student Orientation Staff (SOS) is a group of returning students whose primary role is to welcome new CBC students and help them with their transition to college. SOS plans many fun activities from move in day through the first day of classes to help students meet each other and begin to build friendships with one another.
This week of activities is called MUD Week which stands for Mustangs Under Development. The process of building an SOS team begins early in the year. Over a two-month process, students apply, and Kerry Norris, Director of Student Success, and the Senior SOS Team Leaders review applications, conduct interviews, and select the staff. SOS members complete training before they leave campus for the summer in order to begin the team-building process and go over policies and expectations for staff members. SOS members then return to campus a week before move in day for additional training and to complete planning for MUD Week events.
Part of the training includes participation in the Excel Program at the 4-H Center in Little Rock, which consists of a full day of team building activities and a high ropes course. I am proud of our SOS team every year, but this was a particularly great group, said Director for Student Success, Kerry Norris. Everyone became really close and it showed. They worked together well and were focused on the new students and putting them first. These two weeks can be very stressful for me as the leader because you have so many moving parts happening all at once trying to execute around 20+ different events. Some years I have to be a little more involved by making sure everything gets done as it should.
This year, I was really able to take a step back and focus on other things as they really took charge and made it happen. I love it when Im able to just let go and see these students thrive as leaders. This group of student leaders are going to be world-changers and I cannot wait to see where life takes them.
The 2018 SOS Theme Verse was Philippians 2:3-5, Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.
The entire Student Orientation Staff lived out these words these past two weeks! Much thanks is due to the 2018 Student Orientation Staff for their dedication to the mission of Central Baptist College. Their act of service as an SOS member exemplifies how CBC strives to integrate Christian faith and academic excellence in a Christ centered environment.
The following are awards that are given at the end of MUD Week each year: * The Reflector Award is given to the SOS member on each team that best reflects the mission of SOS and CBC during MUD Week. The 2018 recipients were Cora Lentz, Shelby Redmond, Gabriel Spriggs, and Jessica Borden. * The Spark Plug Award is given to the SOS member on each team that was the most energetic and encouraging during MUD Week. The 2018 recipients were Andrew Guyton, Jacob Pangle, Brianna Nunn, and Destinee Marvel. * The Leaders Award, voted on by the Team Leaders, is awarded to the SOS member that best exhibited Team Leader qualities during MUD Week. The recipient is automatically a Team Leader for the 2019 staff if they so choose. This years recipient was Gabriel Spriggs.