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CBC Homecoming Activities Set for February 19 & 20

January 19, 2016

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Central Baptist College will host its annual Homecoming activities on Friday, February 19 and Saturday, February 20. Events begin on Friday afternoon with a prospective student Open House starting at 2:30 p.m. Students interested in CBC should consider attending this event to learn more about scholarships, financial aid, the admissions process and more. Students may sign up at On Friday afternoon, a Chili Cook-off will be held in the Mabee Student Center. Student groups, alumni, and local businesses are encouraged to compete in the Chili Cook Off. There is a $20 registration fee for all Businesses. The event will be free to attendees and chili and hot dogs will be available. To register a Chili Cook-off team e-mail Meagan Lowry at

The fun continues at 7 pm with the Mustang Carnival taking place in the A.R. Reddin Fieldhouse. This event is fun for the whole family, and will include carnival games, funnel cakes, and more! Admission is free and open to students, alumni and friends! On Saturday, activities begin at 10:00 a.m. with the SOS Reunion in the Community Room of the Mabee Student Service Building. SOS members are encouraged to attend and can RSVP to Meagan Lowry at The CBC Alumni Luncheon will be held at 11:45 in the Dining Hall of the Mabee Student Service Building. Tickets are $11, and can be purchased at Awards will be given to three alumni who have demonstrated incredible service to their community, their careers, and to the Lord. The Distinguished Alumnus of the Year will be presented to Alan Luck, the Outstanding Young Alumnus of the Year will be presented to Rachel Steele, and Nick Jacobsen will be the first ever recipient of the Mustang Community Impact Award. Following the luncheon at 1:30 p.m., we will honor former CBC President Dr. Brad Hoshaw. This event will be held in the Story Library. The highlight of the day begins in the A.R. Reddin Fieldhouse at 2:00 p.m. with the Lady Mustangs taking on Hannibal- Lagrange. The 2016 Homecoming Court will be announced after the women's game and will be followed by the Mustangs going head to head with Hannibal- Lagrange. For more information, go to or contact Meagan Lowry at or 501-205-8870.

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