2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.
Central Baptist College announces Summer and Fall 2020 Registration
April 20, 2020

(Conway, Arkansas April 20, 2020) Central Baptist College has announced registration periods for Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 sessions. Summer courses begin May 26 and, registration is currently open and will continue through May 18. Traditional 16-week fall courses will begin August 20. The first block of courses in the PACE Program begin on July 6, and registration is currently open and will continue through June 12. Currently, all academic advising is being done either through email or Zoom sessions between the faculty member and the student, said Dr. Gary McAllister, Vice President for Academic Affairs.
This process ensures that CBC continues to adhere to the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and the Arkansas Department of Health related to social distancing. Summer courses will be offered online in two five-week sessions with start dates of May 26 and June 29 and one 10-week session with a start date of May 26. Tuition is $325 per credit hour, and there are no additional fees except for science courses which have a $60 course fee. Various courses are being offered in the areas of math, science, history, English, health, Bible, and business. A complete listing of summer courses that will be offered and registration information is available at cbc.edu/summersessions.
Summer classes are available for CBC students and students at other institutions who want to fulfill degree requirements and graduate as scheduled or even earlier. Advance registration for the Fall 2020 semester for traditional, on campus, 16-week courses has begun for currently enrolled students and will continue through April 24. New students will be able to register for Fall courses once they have completed the admissions process. A registration checklist, frequently asked questions, scholarship opportunities, and more are available at cbc.edu/registration. Registration and fee payment for Fall 2020 will take place on August 17-19 with late registration taking place on August 20-21 (a late fee applies during late registration). Applications for the Fall 2020 semester are being accepted. Students needing to begin or complete the Admissions process can find more information at cbc.edu/apply. The Admissions Office can also be contacted at admissions@cbc.edu or 501-329-6873.
The Central Baptist College campus is currently closed to visitors, but students can still participate in a Virtual Campus Visit Experience by going to cbc.edu/visit. Competitive academic, music performance, and athletic scholarships are still available for traditional students for the Fall 2020 semester. Central Baptist College also offers other grants such as the Ministry Tuition Grant for qualifying students and the Veteran Tuition Discount.
The PACE (Professional Adult College Education) Program has four opportunities to enroll each semester, eight opportunities each year. The first enrollment deadline for the Fall 2020 semester will be June 12 for courses beginning July 6. For more information about beginning or completing your college degree through the PACE Program, visit cbc.edu/pace. Central Baptist College is currently celebrating the 20th Year of the PACE Program by offering a one-time 20% tuition discount for new students enrolling for the Fall 2020 semester. CBC grant programs such as the Ministry Tuition Grant for qualifying students and the Veteran Tuition Discount will still apply.
Central Baptist College is a four-year, private, liberal arts college owned and operated by the Baptist Missionary Association of Arkansas. CBC offers approximately 40 baccalaureate degree programs, 16 athletic teams that compete in the AMC conference of the NAIA, and 6 fine arts performance groups. For more information about CBC visit cbc.edu or call 501-329-6873