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Central Baptist College Expands Ministry Tuition Grant Program
March 12, 2018

Central Baptist College (CBC) is pleased to announce an expansion of the Ministry Tuition Grant. Previously designated the Ministers Discount, the Ministry Tuition Grant has, for many years, been available to those in a traditional degree program who are licensed or ordained to the preaching ministry and actively attending or serving in a Baptist Missionary Association of America (BMAA), Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), or American Baptist Association (ABA) church. Wives and dependent children of those who met these qualifications were also eligible to receive the grant. At the March 2018 Board of Trustee's Meeting, the Ministry Tuition Grant was extended to those enrolled in the Professional Adult College Education (PACE) Department and to missionaries serving through the BMAA Missions Department or the International Missions Board (IMB). Wives and dependent children of those who meet the eligibility requirements will also be eligible to receive the grant if they enroll in the PACE Department, as will wives and dependent children of qualified missionaries.
We are honored to be able to extend the Ministry Tuition Grant to students in our PACE Department and to missionaries serving around the globe, said CBC President Terry Kimbrow. Central Baptist College has supported those in the preaching ministry through higher education since the inception of the College in 1952. These changes to the Ministry Tuition Grant continue our support and allow prospective students the opportunity to choose the program delivery that best fits their current needs. The Ministry Tuition Grant ranges from a tuition grant of 20% to a tuition grant of 50%, depending upon the program in which students are enrolling and their denominational affiliation. In order to qualify, all eligibility requirements must be met and all required documentation must be submitted for verification. Full eligibility details, required documentation, and applications can be found online at cbc.edu/MinistryGrant. For more information about enrolling at Central Baptist College, contact the Admissions Office at 501.329.6873 or admissions@cbc.edu.