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Gabbard to be Honored for 50 Years of Service

April 3, 2018

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This year marks 50 years of service that Mrs. Judy Gabbard has given to Central Baptist College! When many faculty members were ending their teaching careers after 25 or 30 years of service, Judy Gabbard was just getting started. She has spent 50 years in the classroom and has taught several generations of students, preparing them to become doctors, pharmacists, dental hygienists, chiropractors, nurses, physical therapists, and many other positions in the field of science. She is an exceptional person, full of compassion and concern for others, who exemplifies Christ. She teaches with great passion and rigor and really cares about her students. She is one-of-a-kind, said Dr. Gary McAllister, Vice President for Academic Affairs at CBC. In 2009, the Central Baptist College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to name the Science Center in honor of Judy Gabbard. In the Fall of 2009, the Science Center opened, and during Homecoming activities in 2010, the Judy Gabbard Science Center was dedicated. During that time, the family of Judy Gabbard announced the establishment of the Judy Gabbard Endowed Scholarship.

In honor of Mrs. Gabbard's 50 years of service to Central Baptist College, we would like to give former students, employees, family, and friends the opportunity to make a contribution to this fund in Mrs. Gabbard's honor. Mrs. Gabbard is best known at Central Baptist College in her position as Chair of the Math and Science Department, but she began her affiliation with the college first as a student. Mrs. Gabbard received her A.A. degree from CBC in 1966 and both her B.S. and Master of Science degrees from the University of Central Arkansas. During her time at CBC as Professor of Science, she has taught dozens of courses and previously served as the Dean of Women. In her tenure as Department Chair, she has watched the Math and Science Department evolve and now boasts six full-time faculty and one staff member, four bachelor degrees, one associate degree, and multiple minors. In her time at CBC, Mrs. Gabbard has touched the lives of literally thousands of CBC students. According to Division Chair for Natural and Social Sciences Dr. Elizabeth Gomez, Judy Gabbard has been influencing students and coworkers at CBC for 50 years. Several current employees speak fondly of having been in her classes. 

Through the general education and freshman-level science majors courses she teaches, she influences almost every CBC student. Probably no other individual faculty member interacts directly with a larger portion of the student body. Gifts in honor of Mrs. Judy Gabbard can be made by debit or credit card online by going to Under the Choose a Fund menu select other and in the field below type Judy Gabbard Endowed Scholarship. You may also send payments by check made payable to Central Baptist College to 1501 College Avenue, Conway, AR 72034. Please put Judy Gabbard Endowed Scholarship on the memo line. For questions or additional information, contact Sancy Faulk, Vice President for Advancement, at or 501.205.8799.

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