Hall Named Director of Military Relations
October 11, 2016

Steven Hall has joined the Professional Adult College Education Office at Central Baptist College and will be serving as the Director of Military Relations. Hall received his B.A. in Liberal Arts from Regent University, a Masters of Arts in Management and Leadership from Webster University, and attended Command and General Staff College in the US Army. Hall recently retired after 26 years of military service as a Lieutenant Colonel. His latest position was Chief of the Cyber Operations Training Center located at Camp Robinson. Hall is a member of First Baptist Church of Maumelle where he serves as the Chairman of Deacons, Chairman of Personnel Committee, and as an adult Sunday School teacher. Hall is married to Laura they have two children, Katie and Hayden. CBC has received the honor of being listed as a Military Friendly School for the past seven years and is committed to providing a supportive environment for military students. CBC also offers an Associate of Science degree in Military Technologies. Hall will be available by appointment at the North Little Rock Camp Robinson location. He can be reached by calling 501-212-6608 or e-mail shall@cbc.edu. To find out more about the PACE program go to cbc.edu/PACE.