2024 1098Ts Tax Forms are available on your Campus Anyware student portal. For former students, please email rshipp@cbc.edu or kwilliams@cbc.edu to have your form emailed to you or call 501-205-8786 or 501-205-8872. Thank you, CBC Business Office.
Lawrence Britton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established
February 21, 2019

The Central Baptist College Advancement Office is pleased to announce the establishment of The Lawrence Britton Memorial Endowed Scholarship. The Lawrence Britton Memorial Endowed Scholarship will give first priority to active members of Park Avenue Baptist Church, West Race Baptist Church, or Fosters Chapel Baptist Church, all Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) of Arkansas churches located in Searcy. Second priority will be given to active members of a church in the Mount Calvary Association of the BMA of Arkansas.
Bro. Britton was a Baptist preacher and evangelist for 62 years, leading nine churches and speaking at many revivals throughout the state. His last pastorate was at Baptist Tabernacle Church in Searcy, Arkansas. Bro. Britton also owned and operated an accounting business, Britton Bookkeeping, in Searcy, and was a Central Baptist College alumnus, attending from August 1952 until May 1953.
Central Baptist College has over seventy endowed scholarships representing approximately $2.9 million in contributions. Endowed scholarships serve as a lasting tribute because for all of the endowed scholarships at the institution, the initial donation is placed in the permanent college endowment. The initial donation, or principal, will never be spent; only the interest will be awarded as scholarships.
The scholarship will be awarded by vote of the CBC Scholarship Committee, taking into account the qualifications and eligibility of the applicants as detailed in the scholarship agreement. Memorial gifts to the Lawrence Britton Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund can be sent to Central Baptist College, 1501 College Avenue, Conway, AR 72034. Checks should be made payable to Central Baptist College with Britton Endowed Scholarship indicated on the memo line.
Gifts can also be made online at www.cbc.edu/endowed. Include Britton Endowed Scholarship in the comments box in the online donation form. If you have questions or need additional information please contact Sancy Faulk, Vice President for Advancement, at 501.205.8799 or sfaulk@cbc.edu.