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Lepine Set to Deliver Commencement Addresses at CBC
April 12, 2017

Bob Lepine, Senior Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of FamilyLife and Co-Host of FamilyLife Today, FamilyLife's nationally syndicated program, will deliver Central Baptist College's commencement addresses on Saturday, May 6th in the Burgess Auditorium. The commencement for the Professional Adult College Education (PACE) graduation will be held at 10:00 a.m. and the commencement for traditional students will be at 2:00 p.m. CBC President Terry Kimbrow said, I am thrilled to announce Bob Lepine as CBC's commencement speaker. Lepine is an accomplished author, radio personality, and a great role model for our graduates. This year's class of 159 graduates is the largest graduating class in the school's history. CBC will have 118 graduates participating in graduation, 77 in the Traditional program and 41 in the PACE program. A veteran of Christian radio, Bob has a degree in communications from the University of Tulsa. Prior to joining FamilyLife in 1992, Bob worked for local radio stations in Tulsa, Phoenix, Sacramento, and San Antonio. He is the author of The Christian Husband, and the on-air voice for Truth for Life with Alistair Begg. Bob also serves on the Executive Committee for National Religious Broadcasters. Bob and his wife, Mary Ann, live in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he also serves as an elder and teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church.