Ministering to the Post Abortive Seminar to be Held at Central Baptist College
September 30, 2019
Life Choices pregnancy resource center and Central Baptist College invite you to attend a free seminar entitled Ministering to the Post Abortive. This free seminar will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm on the Central Baptist College campus.
This event will be a training seminar to help equip individuals who are interested in ministering to those struggling with their past abortion choice. The information presented will be extremely helpful to pastors, lay leaders, womens ministry leaders, non-profit leaders, as well as Christian counselors and therapists.The seminar will include statistics, resources, practical concepts as well as personal testimonies.
Seminar speakers include: Senior Pastor Josh King of Second Baptist Church Conway; Maria Speer, Executive Director of Life Choices pregnancy resource center; Jacki King, Minister to Women at Second Baptist Church Conway; Clinician from Christian Perspective Counseling; and Jackie Montgomery, co-leader of the Life Choices Post Abortive support group. A question and answer time will be provided.
To register for this important free event, go to or text PAseminar to 555888 for a link to register. For questions or to request additional information please contact Maria Speer, Executive Director of Life Choices, at 501-329-5944 or