Study Bibles Gifted to CBC Students at First Chapel
August 24, 2023

Central Baptist College president, Terry Kimbrow, addressed the students on Wednesday, August 23, at the first chapel of the academic year where He announced this semester’s chapel theme… A Biblical World View. He asked the students, “What is the definition of world view? Do you know? Can you tell others what you believe about the world around you? Worldview is expressed through the lens in which you see the world.” He noted that his worldview had changed over his lifetime. “As I have grown in my relationship with God, my worldview has changed.”
To introduce the fall chapel series, his message for chapel was, “The Foundation of Central Baptist College.” He briefly addressed the twelve articles of the “Doctrinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of America.” He assured the students that while the wording of the “Doctrinal Statement” has changed over the years—the basis for the beliefs cannot change. “It is,” he said, “based on the inerrant, unchanging, living Word of God.”
Along with unveiling the Chapel theme, President Kimbrow presented each student with a new Worldview Study Bible. This bible is published by Holman and written in the Christian Standard Version and contains more than 130 essays by notable Christian scholars, center-column references, and extensive worldview study notes. The gift was underwritten by an anonymous donor. He told the students, “This book will change your life if you let it!” He ended with a challenge: “Take care of it; cherish it; read it; and obey it.”