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Tower Media Wins 36 Awards in State Journalism Contest

April 13, 2020

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(Conway, AR  April 13, 2020) - Central Baptist Colleges Tower Media student journalism staffs won a combined 36 awards from the Arkansas College Media Association at a spring contest, including the Tower being named first place for Newspaper of the Year. Eleven colleges and universities in Arkansas submitted work from 2019 for the competition. The ACMA awards are a big honor as Tower Media continues to work at more comprehensive coverage of the campus, said Ann Gardner, faculty adviser and communication department chair. 

Our staffs are dedicated to producing quality work, and our students do well competing against the largest colleges in the state. I am astounded by the news, said Dr. Gary McAllister, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Tower Media has become a journalism leaser in our state. I am so proud of the students accomplishments and am very appreciative of the leadership of faculty advisor, Ann Gardner. For the Newspaper of the Year category, a judge called the Tower a clear winner in a field of excellent competitors. 

This publication did not seek to be a mini-New York Times, but rather to be a paper that focused on issues germane to the audience, the campus and the faith that binds them, the judge wrote. The Tower was a perfect example of what can happen when journalists use strong skills and have a great sense of what matters to the readership. Tower co-editor Melody Siebenmann was named Reporter of the Year and co-editor Jocelyn Waters received Designer of the Year for their contributions to the newspaper. The 2019 Carillon yearbook, of which Siebenmann was also editor, received honorable mention for Yearbook of the Year. I am thrilled that both Tower editors received these honors, Gardner said. Jocelyn is a hard worker who has a very creative side which shows in her designs. Melodys strong writing skills and work ethic have definitely left her mark on our program. They both are very deserving. 

CBC general excellence winners included: Newspaper of the Year First place: The Tower, Melody Siebenmann and Jocelyn Waters, co-editors Newspaper Reporter of the Year First place: Melody Siebenmann, The Tower Designer of the Year First place: Jocelyn Waters, The Tower Yearbook of the Year Honorable mention: The Carillon, Melody Siebenmann, editor Individual awards went to: 2019 Carillon Yearbook Cover Melody Siebenmann, first place Endsheets Melody Siebenmann, first place Closing, Worship, Melody Siebenmann, second place Academics Photo How It All Works, Emilee Brown, second place Sports Writing Got Game? Coby Harvison, second place Introduction/Opening Worship, Melody Siebenmann, third place Writing/Organization Raise an Allelujah, Coby Harvison, third place Feature Photo Competitive Dominance, Haley Lingenfelter, honorable mention Sports Photo Striker, Marcela Bueno, honorable mention Sports Writing Game On, Rachel Burns, honorable mention Student Life Writing Out in the Sun, Melody Siebenmann, honorable mention Tower Web Headline Would You Like Fries with That? Jessica Sawyer, first place Feature Writing Graduate Jake Tyson signs with Ambassador, Jessica Sawyer, first place Meeting/speech Coverage  Celebrating Christian-Centered Higher Education at Shine His Light Gale Melody Siebenmann, first place Entertainment Review Create Your Story: D&D Campaigns Spring Up Around Campus, Jessica Sawyer, first plac Headline hurdling Towards Nationals, Melody Siebenmann, second place Newswriting Love Learning for the Sake of Learning, Haley Lingenfelter, second place News photo The Debut of 2019 Hall Wars, Hannah London, third place Multimedia package Memory Lane Monday: Hay Days Through the Years, Jessica Sawyer, honorable mention Tower Newspaper  Editorial Cartoon Roe v. Wade, Rachel Burns, first place  Headline Cloudy with a Chance of Life: Reaching Out to Those Who Feel Suicidal, Tower staff, first place Front Page Layout March 8 issue, Overcoming Sexual Addiction, Jocelyn Waters, first place Editorial Page Layout October 18 issue Halloween: Spooky or Sacrilegious, Jocelyn Waters, first place  General Column When Life Slams om the Brakes, Melody Siebenmann, third place  Sports Story Lady Mustangs Overcome, Eli McAlister, third place  Art/Photo Illustration From Blackboard to Whiteboard, Haley Lingenfelter, honorable mention Sports Page Layout March 8 issue, Hitting for Home, Jocelyn Waters, honorable mention Sports Photo Lady Mustangs Overcome, Haley Lingenfelter, honorable mention Tower Radio  Best Radio Newscast Mustang Informative, Oct. 15, Eli McAlister and Jessica Sawyer, first place Best Radio Newscast Mustang Informative, Oct. 1, Eli McAlister and Jessica Sawyer, second place Best Radio Newscast Mustang Informative, Nov. 5, Eli McAlister and Jessica Sawyer, third Place Tower Media 2019 leadership included Melody Siebenmann and Jocelyn Waters, Tower co-editors; Jessica Sawyer, Tower Web editor; Haley Lingenfelter, photo editor; Abigail Lowery, video editor; Elliot Bender and Eli McAlister, Tower Radio station managers, and Melody Siebenmann, Carillon yearbook editor. 

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