CBC’s yearbook, the Carillon, included 150 salvation testimonies from students and faculty in its 2018 volume. These personal stories regarding the life-transforming factor of Jesus Christ correlated with the yearbook’s theme, Centralize, and the theme verse, Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (ESV)
The testimony below was published in the 2018 Carillon. – Melody Siebenmann, Carillon co-editor
Shelby Cuthbertson, Current Student
“I grew up in church all my life and when I was 8, I remember going to my parents and telling them I got saved that night at church. I can remember the prayer I said to myself but that was it. Nothing was different. Throughout junior high and partly into high school I was living for the world and one morning during Sunday school, I had an empty feeling in my stomach. I knew immediately that I was lost and needed to be saved. I talked with my youth pastor and he prayed with me and from that moment on there was a change in my heart and my life.”
Steve Raines, Assistant Professor of History
“Paul’s word in Philippians 1:21 have become real to me: ‘To live is Christ, and to die is gain.’ Wise counsel advised me to seek His kingdom and righteousness first (Matthew 6:33). I’ve never regretted it (although I pulled a Jonah a time or two). Rather than focus on myself, it’s my goal to again agree with Paul in saying ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Galatians 6:14).”
Our Mission
Central Baptist College desires to support our student’s decisions to follow Jesus through a supportive but challenging higher education environment. Our faculty, staff and administration have all committed to follow Jesus and desire to nurture our students as they follow Jesus.
As followers of Jesus we are all called to lead others to him. Some in full-time ministry and others in a different career path. But all of us are called as members of the body of Christ. Committed to the mission of sharing the Gospel. Our vision is that our students are challenged, engaged, and inspired academically and spiritually. Ultimately, leading to heart transformation. So that, they will choose to be world changers for our Almighty God by the time they graduate from Central Baptist College.
To learn more how Central Baptist College can help support your faith and become a world changer, visit cbc.edu/WhyCBC to schedule a visit or apply today!