CBC’s yearbook, the Carillon, included 150 salvation testimonies from students and faculty in its 2018 volume. These personal stories about the life-transforming factor of Jesus Christ correlated with the yearbook’s theme, Centralize, and the theme verse, Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (ESV) The testimonies below were published in the 2018 Carillon. – Melody Siebenmann, Carillon co-editor
Eli McAlister, Current Student
“Up until February of [2018], I believed I made a commitment to Christ when I was seven years old. However, even though I was raised in the church and knew plenty about Bible Doctrine and what it meant to be a Christian. I couldn’t truthfully say I reflected Christ in my life. So, during a revival at my church, I decided to settle the matter and accepted Christ as my savior.”
Melody Siebenmann, Current Student
“When I was young I said a prayer, checked off the ABC’s of Salvation and was even baptized. However, I realized later I hadn’t sincerely asked God to be Lord of my life or understood what Christ’s death meant. When I was 13, I repented and became a Christ Follower. I have been seeking after him daily ever since and trying to become more like Jesus, though I know I fall short.”
Tim Gunter, Director of Bands
“By the grace of God and some incredible soldiers of faith He placed in my life from birth I was saved at age nine. Proverbs 3:5-6 are my life verses. I am so undeserving of His love, yet I get to enjoy his blessings every day. Praise the Lord!”
Our Mission
Central Baptist College desires to support our student’s decisions to follow Jesus through a supportive but challenging higher education environment. Our faculty, staff and administration all have committed to follow Jesus and desire to nurture our students as they do the same.
As followers of Jesus we are all called to lead others to him. Some in full-time ministry and others in a different career path. However, as members of the body of Christ, we are called to commit to sharing the Gospel. Our vision at Central Baptist College is that our students be challenged, engaged, and inspired academically and spiritually. Ultimately, leading to heart transformation. So that, they will become world changers for our Almighty God!
To learn more how Central Baptist College can help you become a world changer, visit cbc.edu/WhyCBC to schedule a visit or apply today!