CBC Salvation Stories
CBC’s yearbook, the Carillon, included 150 salvation testimonies from students and faculty in its 2018 volume. These personal stories regarding the life-transforming factor of Jesus Christ correlated with the yearbook’s theme, Centralize, and the theme verse, Romans 12:2: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (ESV)
The testimony below was published in the 2018 Carillon. – Melody Siebenmann, Carillon co-editor
Faith Boyd, Freshman
“I was saved in my sophomore year at Conway Christian High School. We were in a chapel and I started crying and they asked me why and I told them I wasn’t saved. They then all prayed over me and it was the best day of my life.”
Dr. Aaron New, Psychology Department Chair
“I grew up very active in church and gave my life to Christ at an early age. One evening when I was 8 years old, as I asked some questions and it seemed evident to my parents that the Holy Spirit was drawing me, they lead me in a simple prayer. I don’t remember the exact words, but I know that night I gave all I understood of myself to all I understood of God. My life and faith has been imperfect since then, of course. But that decision at 8 is easily the best one I’ve ever made.”
Ann Gardner, Communications Department Chair
“When I was a sophomore in college, my grandfather was in the hospital and I was afraid he was going to die. I ended up in my dorm room on my knees in prayer for him and as I prayed for him, I found myself praying for God to come into my life and change me and he did. And my grandfather lived.”
Central Baptist College desires to support our student’s decisions to follow Jesus through a supportive but challenging higher education environment. Our faculty, staff and administration have all committed to follow Jesus and desire to nurture our students in this way. As followers of Jesus we are all called to lead others to him. Some in full-time ministry and others in a different career path but all as members of the body of Christ committed to the mission of sharing the Gospel. Our hope is that our student’s hearts are transformed during their time on campus and that they would choose to serve our Almighty God in the profession of their choice once they graduate from Central Baptist College.