My name is David Attebery I was born in Magnolia, AR, raised predominately in Warren, AR and Springhill, LA. However, I’m currently living in Rogers, AR. God has allowed me to lead the Celebrate Recovery Ministry for the Rogers campus of Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas and CBC is where God started my preparation for ministry.
Why I Chose CBC
I attended Central Baptist College from 1980-1984. I chose to attend CBC because I grew up hearing about CBC from the Choir and Singers that would come to our church every year. Our church supported CBC, and it was my dream to go there and sing in the Central Singers.
My CBC Experiences
My favorite CBC experiences were going on the road with the Singers and Choir to sing in churches all over the United States.
I also relished the opportunity to clobber Johnnie Hoffman and Dr. Joel Slayton in ping-pong in the student center! Actually, they could destroy anyone they played!
Dodging bats that were flying down the 3rd floor hallways of Old Main when I would try to get into a music practice room was fun! As well as banging on the high keys of the piano to get the bats in the walls to shut up. Old Main is no longer on campus, so don’t worry about the bats!
Huge Influences on Me
The training I received – especially regarding music ministry – was huge! Jim Courtney and Joan (Carter) Hanna had a huge influence on me, as well as Shelby Cowling and Jerene Reddin. Johnnie Hoffman (Dean of Students at that time) and Norma Tio were huge influences on me regarding how to gently love others well through tough times. These experiences helped me prepare for what God was going to do in my career, from positions like Worship Pastor to Celebrate Recovery Leader.
Training for Ministry
CBC was a safe place for this small-town boy to pursue training for ministry. I had a deep passion to be a Music and Youth Minister, and CBC was the avenue to help move me in that direction. I knew the faculty and staff loved and cared for the student body.
When I was elementary-aged my dad, Harry Attebery, served on the Board, and I spent time running around on campus. Then, I also spent time on campus for the annual Youth Choir Festivals. So, I was exposed to CBC every year.
I knew I wanted to be a CBC student someday. I made great friends at CBC but most importantly I’m grateful that God started my preparation for ministry at Central Baptist College.
Contact Us
Are you looking for a place for ministry preparation like David? Whether you plan to be a full-time minister, bi-vocational minister or a volunteer in your church we can help!
Schedule a virtual meeting or a personal campus visit at today to see if CBC is a great fit college for you!